영어/유익한 문장들 2022. 7. 7. 13:09

I could relate to a lot of those storylines like the alcoholism and postpartum depression



a relief fund for those fighting to defend Ukraine



After eight months in a rehabilitation center and various ohter trauma and inpatient therapies

입원치료 (outpatient 외래의)


His bad eyesight exempted him from military service



The Party and the good of the country has to come first and I fear under your leadership it has veered too far off course.

우선해야 한다, 너무 멀리 돌았다.


compromising photos (낯 뜨거운, 남부끄러운), compromise 타협하다

resignation [레지그네이션] 사임


China crushes mass protest by bank depositors demanding their life savings back

폭력으로 진압하다 (violently disperse), 평생 모은 예금


Public transport prices on state-owned service across Spain have already been slashed in half in response to rapidly rising energy and inflation rates

대중교통 요금, 국영 서비스, 반으로, 대응하여


Government troops were responsible for abuses including the intentional shelling of civilians, summary executions, rape, and blocking food and medicine from reaching affected communities.

의도된 시민 포격, 즉결처형, 강간


The unit, based at Fort Stewart, Georgia, deployed to Germany this winter as part of the US military's initiative to reassure US allies in eastern Europe in the face of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

계획의 일환으로 안심시키다.


some senior enlisted officials are beginning to suggest that the Army should consider whether easing restrictions on alcohol in barracks could alleviate the potential for misbehavior off base, according to Army official.

사병, 막사, 완화하다


he compares that period of his life to celebrating a birthday. "On the day before, you're excited in anticipation", he tells CNN from Seoul headquarters of P-Nation, the record label and entertainment agency he founded in 2018.

비유하다 (liken [라이컨]), 기대감에 들떠, 음반사


The shift is the culmination of a series of steps in which Beijing may have at times underestimated the extent to which it was pushing Eroupe away, but also appeared prepared to pay that price.

규모, 멀리하다, 대가를 지불할 준비가 되어 있는 것 같다.


But it is a significant blow for Beijing's ideal vision: a Eroupe with robust China ties that provides a counterbalance to American power and posture.

상당한 충격이다


Those words appeared to fall flat with the European side, which focused instead on pressing China to help broker peace in Ukrain. "The dialogue was everything but a dialogue". it was a dialogue of the deaf.

호응을 얻지 못하다, 중재하다, 대화는 대화일 뿐이다.


Instead of heat being funneled in from the south, it is building unabted as the sun bakes down through cloudless skies.

[퍼널] 깔대기(좁은 공간을 이동하다), 태양이 내리쬐는 (shine/blaze down)


So many fires ignited in London on Tuesday that the city's fire brigade declare a "major incident" and were stretched beyond their capacity. Four people have drowned as people flocked to beaches, rivers and lakes just to get cool. Even a runway at an airport on London's outskirts had to be closed off as it melted in the heat.

ignite[이그나이트] 불이붙다. 여단, 감당할 수 없을 정도 늘어나다, 익사하다, 교외, 폐쇠되다. 


The United States is no stranger to China's angry responses over its support for Taiwan, a self-governing island that Beijing claims as its own territory

미국은 타이완 지원에 대한 중국의 분노한 반응에 낯설지 않다.


Following reports of Pelosi's plans, China's Foreign Ministry vowed last Tuesday to take "resolute and forceful measures" if the trip goes ahead.

~ 있은 후, 단호하고 강력한 조치 (resolute[레저루:트], 일어나다 (진행되다)


Since then, a flurry of remarks from US officials have only added to the sense of alarm.


빗발치는 발언, 경각심


"It's a completely different regime in Beijing with Xi Jinping. China is in a position to be more assertive, to impose costs and consequences to countries that don't take China's interest into consideration in their policy making or actions," 

정권, 적극적인, ~에 있어 ~의 이익을 고려하지 않는


That would be a significant infringement of Taiwan's autonomy. As cross-strait tensions soar to their highest level in recent decades, China has sent record numbers of warplanes into Taiwan's self-declared air defense identification zone, with Taiwan scrambling jets to warn them away -- but so far the PLA jets have not entered the island's territorial airspace.

위반/침해, 자치권, 방공식별구역, 재빨리 움직이다.


Dehydration can lead to thirst, dry mouth, weakness, lightheadedness, and headache. This may contribute to the fatigue, weakness, and mood disturbances.


This picture was taken indoors









